Privacy Policy

Winning Points Advisors, L.L.C.

Customer Privacy of Information Policy

Updated Feb 2018

As our client, you have trusted Winning Points Advisors, L.L.C. to help you strive towards financial independence. To maintain that trust, we are committed to protect the privacy of the personal information that we collect about our clients. This notice is intended to help you understand how we collect, handle, and safeguard that information.
We treat the personal information of our customers in a confidential manner. We don’t provide any information to unrelated companies for the purpose of marketing their products or services to our customers.

When you establish a relationship with us, you are requested to furnish personal and financial information used to assist in assessing your investment objectives and goals. The information you share with us is often private and confidential, and we are therefore committed to its protection. In addition to the information collected, during the course of our relationship we may also collect a variety of nonpublic personal information from other sources. The confidential information we collect may include the following:

1. Information we receive from you, such as your name, address, social security number, assets, income, investment objectives and other information as required by Industry Regulators.

2. Information about your transactions, including balances, portfolio holdings, cash balances, margin balances, and customer statements. Also included may be portfolio evaluations.

3. Information we receive from our correspondent clearing broker -TD Ameritrade, various fund sponsors, unaffiliated custodians and money managers, your accountant, attorney or other professionals retained by you.

4. Medical or health information that you the customer authorize us to receive from doctors or other health care providers and medical vendors in relation to the advice provided on a traditional or variable life policy, or health insurance.

Winning Points Advisors, L.L.C. does not share customer information with any third party other than those that are authorized by you or that are required in order for us to provide services agreed upon by the client, service an account, execute a transaction, or if required to do so by regulation or law. We may share information with our clearing firm TD Ameritrade, a third party money manager or unaffiliated custodian as is necessary to provide advisory services.

Winning Points Advisors, L.L.C. has established policies to maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information of our customers. Appropriate measures are taken to ensure that access is available to those individuals who need to know that information in order to provide our products and services.

We consider any request from a joint account holder to be a request from both account holders, hence if one party to a joint account requests information about the account or relationship we will provide it to them without the express consent of the joint party.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 800-950-9112.

Please also consider this an offer to send you a copy of our ADV-Part II, or you can view it on the Web at:



Contact us to discuss your investment requirements.

About us

SmarterCurve is an investment strategy designed to deliver 7% (+/-) cash flow. IF the markets go up, accounts are designed to go up more. If the markets crash the accounts are designed to recover or not suffer as much. If markets go down a little but not a lot, your account will likely underperform the market.

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  • (800) 950-9112

The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation, in any way, shape, or form.